Galloway is an interesting character. Some times he has good points. His latest appearance of Maher I wasn't too impressed about get back to the office and tuck in your shirt and learn to be a man etc. But from time to time he has good points but seems to lack any understanding beyond his own opinion and wants a little too much to be like a man's man Hemingway type character or something

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"Bambi..Thumper the rabbit":. "If you can't say something nice.. don't say anything at all."

Centuries old, every religion you can think of: "Do unto others, as you would have others do to you".

Class dismissed.

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It's not really a viable proposition from a technical standpoint even if it were a better one from a practical/pragmatic point of view.

Governments probably would do well to try and gain some way of making sure foreign agents aren't conducting psyops through social media to bring about things like Trump managing to get elected and Brexit.

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Every episode of Pivot gets more unbearable with his limited takes. Finally he said enough nonsense for people to call him on it, it was only a matter of time.

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